FAQ - Download

If you can't download InfO-Optic from the Internet you must change your security (firewall) settings.
Check with administrator of your computer or request a CD-ROM version.

FAQ - Display

If you experience any issues with display check if your screen settings are 1024x768.

To check your Display Settings:

1. Click the right mouse button on your desktop and select "Properties" from the context menu. A "Display Properties" dialogue window will be displayed.

2. Click on the "Settings" tab (the most right one in the top row).

3. In the bottom-right section, labeled "Screen Area" you'll see a slider, below which it'll say something like "1024 x 768 pixels". If these exact numbers are mentioned, you don't need to change anything - just click "Cancel" and continue with the next installation section.

4. If the setting was anything other than 1024 x 768 (for ex. 600 x 400), you'll need to adjust it. Drag the slider to your right with the mouse until the numbers below it change to 1024 x 768.

5. Click "Apply" button. A dialogue box will pop up asking you if you are sure you want to make the change. Click "OK". Click "OK" again in the original Properties window to finish the process.

FAQ - Features

If you are interested in image scanning, inventory control, network capabilities or customized features please contact Customer Support so we can process your request effectively.

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